The C-Pills, designed by CDA, is a semi-automatic counter dedicated to counting capsules and film-coated tablets, adapted to the specific needs of the pharmaceutical, food and animal industries. It stands out for its robust design, using high quality materials such as mirror-polished stainless steel, glass and food grade plastic (POM c).
The C-Pills process begins with a vibrating hopper ensuring a constant supply of tablets and capsules to the rotary table. These elements are then transported to a rotating glass table equipped with precision guides, allowing precise movement along its periphery. At this point, they pass to a counting airlock, creating optimal spacing between each unit, thus facilitating counting using a laser curtain.
Equipped with a counting capacity of 1000 capsules/tablets per minute (for size 0), the C-Pills ensures maximum productivity to meet the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. Its accuracy of 99.99% guarantees professional, reliable and extremely precise counting. In addition, this counting and filling machine is user-friendly thanks to its control via a touch screen.