Opening hours :

Tuesday 22 Apr 2025 : 09 am – 5 pm
Wednesday 23 Apr 2025 : 09 am – 5 pm
Thursday 24 Apr 2025 : 09 am – 5 pm

Hôtels near the venue

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From Algiers International Airport to your hotel

The journey from the airport to the hotels near the exhibition site should not take more than 20 minutes. Please contact your hotel to find out if they offer a shuttle service, some have a free shuttle. There are also cabs outside the airport.


Only take official taxis (with the signal on the roof). You should not pay more than 2000 DA from the airport to your hotel if you have chosen a hotel close to the exhibition site.

Change & Credit Cards

Avoid changing money outside bank exchange counters. Most hotels accept credit cards but all your other expenses (restaurant, taxi, etc …) will be paid in cash so plan to change money at the airport because there are very few ATMs cash in Algiers.

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